Rahul's Blog

🎯 Coviam Technologies SDE Internship Interview Experience

April 06, 2019


10 Jan, 01 Feb 2019

Eligibility Criteria

  1. 70% in the current degree pursuing or 7.0 CPI and above.
  2. Should be available for 6 months internship starting from Jun/Jul’19.
  3. BE/B.Tech/M.Tech in Computer Science and Electronics & Communication.

Stipend - Rs. 24,000/month

PPO(Pre Placement Offer) – Rs. 7.5 LPA

Coviam conducted three rounds for summer internship recruitment at IIITDM Jabalpur on 10th January(Online Test), 01 February(Interview) 2019.

The 3 rounds were:

  1. Online Aptitude Test
  2. Tech Interview I
  3. Tech Interview II

Round 1: Online Aptitude Test

Coviam Aptitude Test tests the candidates INFERENCE, DEDUCTION, PROGRAMMING and MATH skills in a strict time pressured environment.

Here are some important instructions for Aptitude Test:

What is the test format? Two sections – 24 Aptitude Ability questionsand 16 Programming Ability questions.

Aptitude Sections:

  1. Quant
  2. Verbal Reasoning
  3. Logical Reasoning
  4. Data Interpretation

Programming Section

  1. Java I/O Questions
  2. Java Basics
  3. Java OOPs
  4. Java Collections

What is the question format? Multiple choice format – 4 choices provided per question with only 1 correct answer

What is the time provided per question? 60 minutes for 40 questions.

Is a calculator permitted? No, but you can use Desktop’s calculator, when needed.

Can the test be retaken? The test does not allow retakes for 1 year and hence it is critical to get it right the first time around.

NOTE: You need to score good in both sections in-order to clear for interviews.

Round 2: Tech Interview I

  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. Projects
  3. Java OOPS, Collections, Garbage Collector
  4. OS Memory Concepts
  5. Write code of Data Structures and Algo problems(in any language)
  6. Write code of basic DP problems(in any language)
  7. Puzzles
  8. Do you have any questions?

Questions asked during the interviews were mostly from Data Structures & Algorithms, Java, DBMS, Operating System, Computer Networks.

Round 3: Technical Interview II

This round was taken by Senior Executives of Coviam. This round was basically meant for checking whether the candidate is good fit for the company culture. Questions asked during this interview were CV based. If you are developer, then you will be asked to explain each and every projects and your role in it. If you are a competitve programmer, then you are more likely to be asked concepts like Convex Hull, DP etc.

Remember: To make a good impact be prepared with your github profile and your online presence(development, extra-curricular presence).

Written by Rahul Jain         
I write code like I make sandwich